The Right Tools for Working Safety

Tool Repair mechanics (l. to r.) John Jones, Jerry Pumphrey, Joe Johnston (supervisor), Doug Morgan, Jeff Parrish, Steve Case, Frank Rinaldo, Jim Strauss, Ray King, Mark Franklin and Vince Jacobs.

March 15, 2019

FirstEnergy’s Tool Repair Shop recently achieved 36 years without incurring an Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) recordable injury. Doug Morgan knows the record well – he’s been with the group for more than half of those years.

“I joined the Tool Repair group in 1997, eventually working my way up to supervisor,” said Doug. “In talking with Jerry Pumphrey, Tool Repair mechanic and 44-year veteran of the shop, we determined that our team has not had an OSHA-recordable injury or a chargeable motor vehicle accident (CMVA) since 1983.”

Josh Goetz, manager, CEL Technical Support, is not surprised by the group’s success. “Our Tool Repair mechanics focus on working safely, every day. They perform job briefings, have a questioning attitude, wear their personal protective equipment, and watch out for each other.”

Josh continued, “When you factor in that several of our mechanics serve as hazard responders for storm duty – traveling as far away as New Jersey – having no CMVA’s in 36 years is also an outstanding accomplishment.”

Tool Repair Shop employees inspect and repair tools for all of the FirstEnergy Utilities (FEU) line shops. They work on a variety of equipment brands and types, including hydraulic jacks, gas-powered chainsaws, electric grinders, battery-operated drills and various hand tools. The shop also builds and repairs the personal protective grounds that help keep our line workers and substation employees safe.

Experienced Repairmen

The following Tool Repair Shop mechanics each have 40 or more years of service with the company:

Jerry Pumphrey (44)
Doug Morgan (42)
Steve Case (40)
Mark Franklin (40)
Vince Jacobs (40)
John Jones (40)
Frank Rinaldo (40)
Jim Strauss (40)

Doug has been with the company for 42 years and plans to retire in April. Now on special assignment, he has already handed the keys to the shop over to Joe Johnston, the new supervisor.

“I’m proud to have been a member of this group and to have worked with so many experienced employees who are committed to working safely,” continued Doug. “I will miss seeing the guys at work, but I know I am leaving them in good hands, so they can keep the safety record going.”

Josh echoes Doug’s remarks. “Doug was a big part of achieving this milestone, and we are going to miss his leadership and experience,” said Josh. “Thanks to the great example set by Doug and many of his predecessors, I believe this group will continue to watch out for each other and stay focused on safety.”