Students REACH Higher with Help from Davis-Besse

Business Analyst Mark Momenee brought along his trusty adding machine as he explained to the Oak Harbor Middle Schoolers how his job at the nuclear plant has changed over the years. Other presenters looking on are (l.-r.) Jackie Gezo, Gerry Wolf, Mary Wilson, Angie Ayres and Tim Welch.

May 31, 2019

After welcoming members of the Davis-Besse staff into their classroom for the past seven months, the students in Mrs. Boss’s fifth grade class at Oak Harbor Middle School made a field trip to the nuclear plant to see where their new acquaintances work.

The nuclear plant was one of a handful of local businesses participating in the Ottawa County Business Association Advisory Council’s Project REACH. The program introduces elementary school students to the workforce by allowing business representatives to visit their classroom monthly. The visitors from Davis- Besse presented a series of lessons monthly throughout the school year, reinforced by hands-on activities.

The field trip to the plant was the final REACH session of the school year and a dozen employees gave presentations on their career choices, providing an example of what the work world is all about.

“Our presenters showcased many exciting careers choices to these young people,” said Stevie Darr, the plant’s REACH organizer. “The students left Davis-Besse with excitement for their future and that is what REACH is all about.”

The Davis-Besse Women in Nuclear chapter oversaw plant employees’ involvement in the program.