Safety Strong at Macedonia

Macedonia Line Shop employees

January 22, 2020

​Ohio Edison employees at the Macedonia Line Shop ended 2019 on a positive note – with strong safety performance.

Macedonia’s 26 employees received the President’s Safety Excellence Award for achieving one year without any OSHA-recordable incidents. Four employees also were recognized as members of Ohio Edison’s Quarter Century of Safety Club, having worked 25 years or more OSHA-free.

“Macedonia employees made a personal commitment to strong safety performance and have followed through with their actions and practices,” said Ed Shuttleworth, regional president, Ohio Edison. “With this accomplishment, they have built the right foundation for continued success this year.”

Bargaining-unit employees at Macedonia are represented by either Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) Local 118 or Local 126.

Receiving recognition as members of the Quarter Century club are (l. to r.) Stephen Bell, Emil Chadima, Todd Rabal and George Stevenson.