Safety Honors at Spencer, Kingwood

August 24, 2018

Mon Power presented the President’s Safety Excellence Award to employees at the following service centers:

  • Spencer for working 10 years without an OSHA-recordable incident. Eighteen employees are based at the service center.
  • Kingwood for achieving two years without an OSHA recordable. There are 29 employees working out of the facility. Bargaining-unit members at Kingwood are represented by International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2357.

Members of the Spencer and Kingwood groups celebrated their safety milestones at separate luncheon events. “Spencer and Kingwood employees earned this recognition one minute, one job, one day at a time by identifying risks, following safe work practices and watching out for each other,” says Holly Kauffman, president, West Virginia Operations.

Spencer Service Center

Kingwood Service Center