Mon Power and Potomac Edison Propose Solar Energy Projects in W.Va.

November 29, 2021
Mon Power and Potomac Edison have applied for approval to build five large, utility-scale solar energy generating projects in West Virginia.
Permit applications for the solar projects were submitted to the West Virginia Public Utilities Commission. Combined, the five projects would generate 50 megawatts of electricity.
The application supports a 2020 bill passed by the West Virginia legislature that authorizes electric utilities to own and operate up to 200 MWs of renewable generation facilities to help meet the state’s electricity needs. The addition of new renewable generation also encourages economic development in West Virginia, as a growing number of companies require that a portion of the electricity they purchase be generated by renewable sources.
“Many of our customers have expressed strong interest in solar power in recent years, and we are excited about the opportunity to meet the growing demand for renewable energy in our service territory while supporting West Virginia’s economic development goals,” said Jim Myers, president, West Virginia Operations.
In addition to providing clean, renewable energy, several of the projects are proposed for reclaimed industrial sites. The sites include:
- A 95-acre site in Monongalia County
- A 51-acre site adjacent to a Mon Power substation in Hancock County
- A 44-acre reclaimed strip mine property in Tucker County
- A 26-acre reclaimed ash disposal site in Berkeley County
A proposed fifth location is still under review.
“This proposal provides for new use for several underutilized properties, diversifying our energy sources with clean, renewable options, and helps us continue to provide safe, reliable power to our customers in West Virginia,” Jim said.
Once approved, work on the first phase of solar facilities will begin as soon as next year, with all five projects complete before the end of 2025.
See the Nov. 22 news release for more details.