JCP&L Springs into Beach Sweep
April 18, 2019
Spring is a great time to help clean up the Jersey Shore’s beaches for the upcoming summer tourist season and Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) joined in Clean Ocean Action’s first spring-time Beach Sweep event.
Along with thousands of volunteers participating in shoreline cleanup activities this past weekend, JCP&L employees John Anderson, Maria Sessa and Kathy Moyer helped scour the sand at Point Pleasant Beach, Belmar and Asbury Park, respectively. A group of Honor Society students from Lake Riviera Middle School in Brick Township joined the effort on JCP&L’s behalf at Point Pleasant Beach.
One of the longest running cleanups of its kind in the world, Beach Sweep events organized by Clean Ocean Action have helped rid the Jersey Shore of unsightly and harmful debris since 1985. Last year, more than 9,000 volunteers gathered along the ocean to clean beaches, waterways and underwater sites. This was the first spring-time Beach Sweep campaign; the usual autumn cleanup is planned for October.
“JCP&L has sponsored Beach Sweep activities in our service territory for several years,” said John, vice president, External Affairs. “Our participation shows our commitment to the environment as we help preserve a key natural resource, protect fish and wildlife, promote tourism and support the coastal economy.”
Maria is on special assignment in External Affairs, while Kathy is a customer account specialist IV in Customer Support.