Furry Friends Need Love, Too

August 9, 2019

FirstEnergy and employees support multiple events, programs and initiatives throughout our service area. And, we also take care of our four-legged friends in need. Here are a few examples.

JCP&L was a sponsor of The Seeing Eye’s 90th Gala in Morristown, N.J. Established in 1929, The Seeing Eye organization provides specially bred and trained dogs to guide people who are blind. When The Seeing Eye puppies reach the age of seven or eight weeks, they are delivered to volunteer puppy raisers. These foster families nurture and care for the pups until they are 13- to 16-months-old. They teach the puppies basic manners and commands and socialize them to a variety of situations and experiences ranging from shopping and car rides to boarding airplanes.

John Anderson, vice president, External Affairs (r.), attends the gala, along with employee Jonathan Eng, technician, Express Service, and his wife, Lee Ann. Their puppy, Gordy, is a prospective seeing eye dog. Jonathan, Lee Ann and their two children have been puppy raisers since 2013.

Penelec employees recently participated in the Penelec Community Council’s donation drive for the ANNA Shelter. The nonprofit animal welfare organization houses, rehabilitates and adopts stray or unwanted pets in Erie, Pa.

In the photo with some of the donated items are (l.-r.): Brian Paganie, consultant, Regional External Affairs; Diane Palmer, claim representative; and Diane Blarr, business analyst.