Be Prepared

A disaster supply kit should include basic items that a household might need during emergencies.

September 17, 2018

Hurricane Florence, which recently caused massive flooding in the Carolinas, is a stark reminder that severe weather can strike quickly and create significant disruption. As hurricane season heats up in the Atlantic, now is a good time to assess whether you are ready for a major storm or other emergency event that hits close to home.

September is National Preparedness Month, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends the following steps to help keep you and your family safe when disaster strikes:

  • Make a Plan – Prepare in advance for what to do in various emergency situations. Have an evacuation plan and designate a safe place for family members to meet.
  • Build a Kit – A disaster supply kit should include basic items (e.g., water, non-perishable food, first-aid kit, flashlight and extra batteries) that a household might need during emergencies.
  • Get Involved – Find opportunities to support community preparedness.

It’s also a good idea to use your smartphone to sign up for alerts and warnings in your area. Check* or* for more information on developing a preparedness plan and being ready to handle emergency situations.

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