Are You Prepared for an Emergency?

August 30, 2019

Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Fires. Floods. Blizzards. While a disaster can happen any time, September is National Preparedness Month – a good time to make sure you’ve taken the steps necessary to come through safely should calamity strike.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends the following:

  • Make a plan – Meet with your family and plan what to do in various emergency situations where you live and work. Have an evacuation plan and designate a safe place to meet if you are separated. Remember to take pets into account. Once you have a plan, practice it.
  • Build a kit – A disaster kit should include basic items such as water and non-perishable food for several days; first aid supplies; flashlights and extra batteries; extra clothes and blankets. Remember to consider the needs of all, including infants, the elderly and pets.
  • Get involved – Find opportunities to support your community’s preparedness, such as FEMA’s individual and community preparedness programs. Learn how local authorities will keep you informed during a disaster. Get trained in first aid and CPR.

Another good idea is to use your smartphone to sign up for alerts and warnings in your area. Check* and* for more information about developing a preparedness plan, a list of items to include in your disaster kit and other ways you can be ready to handle emergency situations.

*By clicking this link, you are entering a website maintained by an outside party, which is entirely responsible for the site’s content.