Davis-Besse Hosts Top Shot Competition

An officer from the Perry team takes aim at a moving target from 150 yards away in a simulation at the Nuclear Top Shot Competition.

June 19, 2019

Some of the top marksmen from the FENOC nuclear fleet got together for some friendly competition at the Davis-Besse Live Fire Range on Tuesday, June 5. Only one, however, could be crowned “Top Shot.”

Team members from each plant took their turn testing their marksmanship during Stage 1 in the morning. Later in the day, they moved to a tactical course which credited target hits, and tested their ability to move between target sets, reload, access equipment they might need during a security breech, as well as quickly judge between friendly and hostile targets.

“When designing these courses, I kept in mind not only the necessity of speed, but manipulation, and a lot of the elements that would apply if we ever had to use our job skills to protect one of the facilities,” said Davis-Besse Security Trainer Mike Fahle, this year’s competition director. He said the three-person teams are selected based on individual performances during training exercises at their plants.

The Top Shot Competition provides participants the opportunity to network with their counterparts at the other plants to exchange some learnings – and helps the shooters stay on top of their game. “All these skills are perishable,” Mike says. “If you don’t work to keep them razor-sharp, they are going to dull.”

Frank Stone, Perry Site Protection officer, won both the morning and afternoon stages to capture the Top Shot crown and bragging rights for the upcoming year. It’s the fifth straight year a Perry employee has topped the leaderboard. Justin Sutter, Davis-Besse Site Protection officer, came in second while Jordan Popinski, Beaver Valley Site Protection officer, led his team to a three, four, five finish in the final standings.

​Mike Fahley oversees Davis-Besse Site Protection Officer John Snyder’s round on the tactical course.

​Perry’s Frank Stone took top honors as he bested the top marksmen in the nuclear fleet at the Top Shot Competition at Davis-Besse. Mike Fahle presents him with his plaque and other prizes.